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Cleaning With Bicarb And Vinegar

We all have faced the problem of blocked drains at least once in our lives. Most households encounter tough clogs in drainage pipes in the kitchen and bathroom.

Drainage pipes require regular maintenance; otherwise, they will clog entirely, causing flooding in the house. This situation can be challenging for house owners because the pipe will need a total overhaul, which can be very expensive.

Carry out maintenance weekly and clean your drain correctly, but if clogs form before your next maintenance schedule, which is quite often the case, you can DIY using natural materials to clear the blockage.

The following is an illustration of how you can use vinegar and baking soda, two popular items in most kitchens, to clean your drain.

Using Bicarb And Vinegar To Clear Blocked Drains

There are different DIY ways to clean drains. One of these methods involves using vinegar and baking soda, both of which are pretty effective at removing stains, and cleaning kitchen drainage pipes, allowing free flow of wastewater. Baking soda and vinegar are everyday household items that you can use in the home.

Most people do not know that these items have other uses outside of cooking. Whether individually or combined, these items can perform wonders for your house. Children at science fairs use this combination to simulate a volcanic eruption. The chemical reaction that occurs when the two come together is the reason they make great cleaning items.

It can clean away marks, stains, dyes, and other unwanted blemishes from your house. Another great use of this cleaning solution is that it can open drains. Vinegar and baking soda are inexpensive and easy to find. Both are natural materials and do not have any harmful chemicals. They are free from sodium hydroxide, also known as lye, which is usually present in clog removers at your local store.

You can use the combination for drain cleaning services if your drain has a severe clog. Get professional assistance in case of a big clog. Still, if you feel that you can perform this job yourself, baking soda and vinegar is the best cleaning solution to help you in this regard.

Steps To Unclog Drains With Baking Soda And Vinegar

Clogged drains become a disaster if the issue is not addressed promptly and adequately. Some regular clogs are easy to remove through natural methods. The following four simple and quick steps will show you how to treat clogged drains with baking soda yourself.

Step One: Boil water in a saucepan

Heat and pour boiling water down the drain. This step will soften tough clogs and help in cleaning the drain quickly.

Step Two: Create and use your cleaning solution

In a bowl, add one cup of baking soda. Add an equal amount of vinegar solution to the soda. Pour this solution into the drain slowly.

Step Three: Close the drain plug

Cover the drain with its plug and wait for 5 to 10 minutes so that the cleaning solution has enough time to unclog the drain.

Step Four: Pour boiling water down the drain

Take some more boiling water and pour it down the drain. The entire procedure is essential because when baking soda and vinegar combine, they produce a vigorous bubbling reaction. The reactions loosen the clogs in the drain.

The addition of boiling water into the drain in the last step helps in removing all the clogs and other dirt from the drain quickly. At the end of the procedure, the drain will be clean and free of clogs.

How To Defeat Stubborn Clogs

If the clogs are too stubborn to go in one attempt, then it does not mean that you cannot use the solution to remove the clogs. Repeat the same treatment at least three times. It will remove clogs of all kinds, especially the stubborn ones.

One of the reasons for the solution not working in the first attempt is standing water. If there is stagnant water in the pipes, it will reduce the effectiveness of the vinegar and baking soda solution. Never use the vinegar and baking soda solution right after using industrial chemicals because it can cause a severe chemical reaction with adverse effects.

How Does The Combination Clear Clogs?

You are probably wondering how the vinegar-baking soda solution works to remove clogs. The boiling water that is added initially works as a melting liquid. It softens the grease lodged inside the pipe.

Baking soda is a base and white vinegar is an acid. The combination of a base and acid causes a bubbling reaction whose products are carbon dioxide and water.

The pressure produced by the expansion of the products, specifically CO2, will help in pushing the clog down. Gravity also plays an essential role in eliminating the clogs, but when pressure and gravity combine, it removes all the unwanted material from the pipes and unclogs your drains.

You can usually use the combination of vinegar and baking soda to remove clogs, but some of them are strong and stubborn. For difficult clogs, you will need to seek professional assistance. Challenging drains can be very problematic for you, but an expert will be able to help.

Benefits Of Using Vinegar And Baking Soda

Experts usually recommend using natural materials for cleaning purposes because commercial cleaners can be very harmful. Vinegar and baking soda can clear out clogs and drains without damaging your pipes. Commercial drain cleaners are readily available, but they contain toxic elements.

Some even eat away at the material, and in case you come in contact with them, they can cause severe burns on your skin. If they do not clear out the clogs, they will leave you with no option other than renovation because they are corrosive.

On the other hand, white vinegar and baking soda are suitable natural materials. You can touch and eat them. Vinegar is gentle enough to eat the organic matter without affecting the pipelines. So, using vinegar and baking soda is a much more natural and convenient method to try.

How Often Should You Clean Your Drains?

A common question that people ask is how often you should clean your drains when you are doing it yourself. So, once you get your drain running smoothly, it is essential to keep it clog-free. It would help if you cleaned your drains weekly to prevent clog build-up. Cleaning the drains every week is good enough.

Boil a few cups of water and pour it into the drain. Add some vinegar and bicarb down the drain. This will also help with a smelly drain. Your drainage is now completely neat and clean once again.

Does The Vinegar And Bicarb Method Work?

The most common clog area in our houses is the kitchen. Generally, baking soda and vinegar work very well to unclog a blockage in the toilet, kitchen sink drain, and bathroom sink. The combination is tremendously versatile.

That said, the combination might not always work. Baking soda and vinegar, when combined, cause a chemical reaction that produces carbon dioxide gas. The gas causes a pressure build-up in the drain, but it only forms in a closed drain.

When To Seek Out The Professionals

The drain system in your home is not a closed system. So, it is difficult for the pressure to build up enough to blast the clog out of the pipes. It might be a little difficult to achieve the results you expect, especially when dealing with tough clogs.

If this happens to you, get professional assistance. The services by certain companies are very affordable, and it is better that you spend a little money on the maintenance of the clogs instead of worsening the situation by trying to do everything by yourself.

Plumbing Services in Canberra

Blueline Plumbing & Gas are your local specialist for all domestic plumbing and gas fitting needs.

Get in touch for a quote or speak with a qualified plumbing specialist. We will help you find a solution for your emergency plumbing or plumbing repair needs.

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